Speak - A Paired Reading Passage Project!

Monday, November 16, 2009


"Melinda Two: 'The world is a dangerous place. You don't know what would have happened. What if he was just saying his parents were going to be there.? He could have been lying. You can never tell when people are lying. Assume the worst. Plan for disaster. Now hurry up and get us home. I don't like it out here. Its too dark."this shows how Melinda feels about the world and about people lying. She explains her emotions on these topics. When she says "Assume the worst. Plan for disaster," she is kind of warning people to not trust people because they can be lying to you. She means that if you plan for disasters and assume the worst in people, that when you get hit with something it won't be as bad as if you trusted everyone and were nice and chirpy to everybody. For Example: Heather who befriended Melinda. She was nice to her and trusted her from the moment she met her.1. This passage is significant because it showes what Melinda is thinking. It shows that she is aware, and that she is being careful. It makes the reader think that Melinda thinks before she acts on things. This passage is showing the reader the type of person that Melinda is.2.The authors purpose in this passage is to show that Melinda is being cautious about the actions that are being done to her, and around her.3.I know that this is the authors purpose because of the way the author used diction. The use of words such as disaster, worst, assume, never, lying, etc. shows that the person is thinking a lot.4.The effect that this passage had on me the reader was sort of shocking becasue of how aware she was about her surroundings. It sounded more like somethiing a mother would say. It made me think that anything is possible, when ever,where ever.

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